Posted by Wonder Dating on Monday, December 28, 2009

1. Mengubah Jenis dan Bentuk Huruf (Font)

Setiap jenis dan bentuk huruf (Font) mempunyai nama, misalnya Arial, Times, Courier dan lain-lain. Untuk mengubah Font dari teks yang sebelumnya telah Anda ketik, ikuti langkah berikut :

a. Pilih atau sorot teks yang akan Anda ubah fontnya.

b. Pilih dan klik font yang Anda inginkan pada tombol daftar pilihan font yang terdapat pada baris toolbar Formatting atau tekan tombol Ctrl+Shift+F.

2. Mengubah Ukuran Huruf (Font Size)

Semua teks yang anda ketikkan pada dokumen baru dengan menggunakan template Blank Document akan memakai pilihan default font Times New Roman dengan ukuran huruf 10 point. Untuk mengubah ukuran huruf (font size) dari teks yang sebelumnya anda ketik, ikuti langkah berikut ini :

a. Pilih atau sorot teks yang akan anda ubah ukurannya.

b. Pilih dan klik ukuran yang anda inginkan pada tombol daftar pilihan Font Size yang terdapat pada baris toolbar formatting atau tekan tombol Ctrl+Shift+P.

3. Memilih Gaya Tampilan Huruf (Font Style)

Untuk mengubah gaya tampilan huruf (font style) dari teks yang sebelumnya telah anda ketik, ikuti langkah berikut ini :

a. Pilih atau sorot teks yang akan Anda ubah gaya tampilannya.

b. Untuk menampilkan huruf tebal, pilih dan klik tombol toolbar Bold yang terdapat pada baris toolbar Formatting atau tekan tombol Ctrl+B.

c. Untuk menampilkan huruf miring, pilih dan klik tombol toolbar Italic yang terdapat pada baris toolbar Formatting atau tekan tombol Ctrl+I.

4. Membuat Garis Bawah (Underline)

Untuk memberi garis bawah dari teks yang sebelumnya telah anda ketik, ikuti langkah berikut ini :

a. Pilih atau sorot teks yang akan Anda beri garis bawah.

b. Pilih dan klik tombol toolbar Underline yang terdapat pada baris toolbar Formatting atau tekan tombol Ctrl+U untuk memberi garis bawah tunggal, atau Ctrl+Shift+D untuk memberi garis bawah ganda, atau Ctrl+Shift+W untuk memberi garis bawah tunggal hanya pada kata.

c. Untuk memberi garis bawah ganda.

5. Menentukan Warna Huruf (Font Color)

Bila diperlukan huruf yang telah anda ketikkan dapat ditampilkan dengan warna tertentu sehingga tampilan huruf tersebut terlihat lebih menarik. Untuk mengubah warna huruf (font color) dari teks yang sebelumnya telah anda ketik, ikuti langkah berikut ini :

a. Pilih atau sorot teks yang akan anda ubah warnanya.

b. Pilih dan klik warna yang Anda inginkan pada tombol daftar pilihan Font Color yang terdapat pada baris toolbar Formatting.

6. Memberi Text Effect

Bila diperlukan huruf yang telah anda ketikkan dapat ditampilkan dengan warna tertentu sehingga tampilan huruf tersebut terlihat lebih menarik. Beberapa pilihan yang tersedia pada effect adalah striketrough, double striketrough, superscript, subscript, small caps, all caps, emboss, engrave, outline, shadow. Untuk mengubah effect dari teks yang sebelumnya telah anda ketik, ikuti langkah berikut ini :

a. Pilih atau sorot teks yang akan anda ubah effect.

b. Pilih dan klik tanda segitiga yang mengarah ke bawah di samping toolbar underline. Klik more underline.

c. Lalu pilih font. Cari effects, lalu pilih salah satu pilihan yang tersedia pada effect. Lalu pilih ok.

7. Memberi Text Highlight Color

Bila diperlukan huruf yang telah anda ketikkan dapat ditampilkan dengan warna tertentu sehingga tampilan huruf tersebut terlihat lebih menarik. Untuk member highlight dari teks yang sebelumnya telah anda ketik, ikuti langkah berikut ini :

a. Pilih atau sorot teks yang akan anda ubah highlight.

b. Pilih dan klik highlight yang diinginkan pada tombol daftar pilihan Text Highlight Color yang terdapat pada baris toolbar Formatting.

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You should know that humor is important for dating

Posted by Wonder Dating on Thursday, May 14, 2009

laughter can swiftly open up a woman's heart. Whenever your interaction with a woman is a bit flat or if you happen to be in a difficult or embarrassing situation, you can always use humor to boost the dynamics or diffuse the tension.

And humor is a common trait of men who are good with women. It demonstrates confidence, a light outlook on life and the ability to have fun (together with others).

Unfortunately, not every man can be said to be humorous.

Sure, almost any man can crack a joke or two, but not every man can do it with consistency and make any woman laugh at any time, any place? Even worse, there's a common misconception claiming that humor is quality for a small group of "gifted" man. Some men think "I'm just not born to be funny guy. What can I possibly do?"

But the fact is, the "sense" of humor CAN be acquired through learning and practicing. Making women laugh is a science, because human beings' reactions to different types of "humor stimuli" are predictable, and there are tested-and-proven methods to match a piece of humor with a subject's education, personality, and cultural background to induce laughter.
man can do it with consistency and make any woman laugh at any time, any place? Even worse, there's a common misconception claiming that humor is quality for a small group of "gifted" man. Some men think "I'm just not born to be funny guy. What can I possibly do?"

But the fact is, the "sense" of humor CAN be acquired through learning and practicing. Making women laugh is a science, because human beings' reactions to different types of "humor stimuli" are predictable, and there are tested-and-proven methods to match a piece of humor with a subject's education, personality, and cultural background to induce laughter.

Any man -- regardless of looks, intelligence, wealth, education, personality, cultural background, location, etc. -- can unleash his power of humor to make women laugh and fall in love. And it doesn't matter if you already have a good sense of humor, or if you frequently get "caught off guard" when certain dating situations demand funny and smart responses.
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Why Humor Is Must If You Want To Be Good With Women

Posted by Wonder Dating on Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Because when you can make women laugh, you've opened the door to all kinds of possibilities and in fact, most women claim that they want men who can make them laugh...

Well, we all know, almost instinctively, that humor is an essential quality of attractive men and a powerful tool to be used in any dating situation... But why? Why is humor powerful?

Humor is associated with laughter, and laughter is associated with pleasure and happiness. Which girl doesn't want to have a good time? And would YOU rather be around someone who can make you laugh heartily or otherwise?

Humor is also associated with being comfortable with oneself, because usually only guys with unshakable confidence have a great sense of humor. The typical image of a humorous guy is never flustered or too hung up about trivial things. Instead, he's able to have fun in even the most difficult situations and he knows how to make others have fun.

Simply put, humorous guys are attractive.

Additionally, humor is a powerful way to diffuse tension. You can pull off almost any embarrassing situations or misunderstandings with the right humor. Made a mistake when approaching a woman? Wrong vibe? Humor can always come in handy to turn it around. In fact, it's psychologically impossible to dislike someone who have consistently made you laugh for a couple of times.
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Many men do have a sense of humor, but they'd lose it when certain dating situations demand it!

Posted by Wonder Dating

A popular misconception is that humor natural-born talent that is "lucky to have" (as opposed to an ability that can be acquired through learning). Well, maybe some men are naturally more humorous than the rest, but the fact is: Humor CAN be acquired... Fast!

I've always been asked the question "how can I become funnier?" It seems the harder you try, the harder it becomes, doesn't it? Well, if you aren't "gifted" with a natural sense of humor, your best bet is to learn the "system" of making women laugh, i.e. the proven "formulas" that you can rely on to make any woman laugh at any time and any place.

And here's the good news if you want to become more humorous: renowned dating coach Martin Merrill has designed a course specifically to train men to become better at making women laugh. The course will teach you many tested-and-proven "humor techniques" that you can apply easily in any dating situation. (They work 100% because humans react similarly to certain type of "humor stimuli" across different cultures, as you'll learn in the course.)

wanna try it you can try it here

and get more level of life satisfaction than before.
good luck for you ;)

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Attract Women Using Humor by Martin Merrill

Posted by Wonder Dating on Monday, April 20, 2009

Did you know?
you can use humor to attract the opposite sex because women have a sense of humor, and you may know signs a woman is attracted if you have the skill of humor.
As far as I know, this "Make Women Laugh" course is the only real solution in the market to improve one's sense of humor and ability to make women laugh. And the best part is -- you can try it out for 60 days -- If you don't find yourself becoming more humorous, you can ask for a full refund without any hassle. To find out more for yourself or read up more information on making women laugh,I recommend you check out Martin's book! Click Here.
Here is Martin's testimonials:

"The Best I Could Have Ever Imagined!"

Hi Martin,

I have to tell you that your eBook "Make Women Laugh" is simply outstanding!

As an expert on stand-up comedy and spoken humor, I can say with great confidence that your materials contain some of the most highly effective methods and strategies for attracting women with laughter that I have ever seen in my 15 years as a comedy professional.

Martin, your materials are "MUST HAVE" for any man who truly wants a fighting chance at attracting beautiful women by making them laugh.

If someone can't make your materials work for them to attract women, then there aren't any materials out there that can. Yours are the hands down the best I could have ever imagined.

I know first hand that your techniques work and work well. As a professional comedian, I have used these same techniques myself to attract stunning beautiful women - for years.

I have recommended your work to everyone on my own mailing list (which is focused on stand-up comedy and adding comedy to speeches); I told them that your information is some of the best practical comedy information that I have ever seen, whether they are interested in attracting women or not.

You have my highest endorsement. Fantastic piece of work!


Steve Roye
Professional Stand-Up Comedian


"#1 BEST Way I know To Teach You How To Be Funny To Get You Into Beautiful Women's Mind"

I just read Martin's book and I thought I'd write this message for you from a WOMAN'S perspective.

Guys, If you aren't successful with women right now. If you aren't good looking, you're not rich, and you don't have a great body. All is not lost.

There are only a few 'backdoors' you can use to get into the hearts, minds and beds of hot women. I won't go into all 5 now. However, one of those backdoors is humor.

With humor you can short-circuit a woman's mind and make her genuinely attracted to you - on a deep psychological level, regardless of your looks. There are other methods but humor is probably one of THE most powerful.

Let me tell you this, Martin Merrill's book is the #1 BEST way I know to teach you how to be funny to get you into beautiful women's minds. Nobody has created a more comprehensive and easy to learn system to become genuinely funny to women as Martin has.

Make women laugh and you WILL have power over them. I highly recommend you check out Martin's book!

Tiffany Taylor

"Many Thanks From Zambia, Africa!"

Dear Martin,

Your book is awesome.

I am a journalist by profession, and 25 years old.

From whence I read the book, and it's now just over two weeks, I have told myself that I can never be funny until I tell myself I am. And I have told myself so, and am funny.

Your book is not just about making women laugh. It has also taught me to know what to say, when to say it and where to say it to spread the everlasting smile. When you make women laugh, you keep track of many friends indeed and they would want to be with you a lot.

Anyone is funny, it's just that NO ONE has told them they are - not even to themselves.

I shall definately spread the word. The book is laid out in a simple man's language and the practical aspect of it makes it easier to read, understand and implement make women laugh.

I love the book, and thank you for re-assuring me that I am funny and I can develop it better.

Ndalumba ("thank you" in my language)!

Kind regards,

Matongo Maumbi
Zambia, Africa


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tips for your successful love relationship from the other site

Posted by Wonder Dating on Friday, April 10, 2009

Attract And Seduce Women:


Learn how to meet, attract, pick-up and seduce women with THE original pick-up guide created by a woman... For men!

Natural Penis Enlargement Exercises:


A natural penis enlargement solution - that actually DOES work! No, it REALLY does.

Have Mind Blowing Sex:


A brand new sex guide for men. Still in Beta testing phase, we are working hard to improve the conversion ratios.


Stop Premature Ejaculation Fast:


Over 70% of males ejaculate quicker than they would like to. This means that most men are potential customers of this product - Massive niche! This sales page has been crafted with the best care and attention and is very powerful, have a read of it and see what you think.

Increase Your Confidence With Women:


This is HypnoDate version 2 which focuses on using hypnotic style techniques to increase your confidence when talking to women. Handle rejection easily and confidently talk to anybody.

How To Talk To Women And Have A Great Conversation: Conversation-King.com

A step-by-step guide on how to have the most sizzling conversation in any situation that gets women begging YOU for your number! The second guide written by a female (Rachel Davis) that focuses mainly on actual conversation, the words used to help you get with women.


Uncover A Cheating Partner:


How to catch a cheating lover quickly and inexpensively. This is a unisex product for men or women.

Detect Deceit

How To Spot A Liar:


How to spot a liar. Know instantly by using body language and verbal techniques to spot lies that good it looks like you can read minds. High quality product.

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